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WESTASSSH1 r-1 stainless steel sensor 7500
WESTASSSH2 r-2 stainless steel sensor 7500
STWESTA30FT st6z mods for 30 ft range Range Mods
WESTA30FT st6z mods for 30 ft range 000
STWESTAAOAB air output a/b option
WESTAAOAB air output a / b selec switch $ -
STWESTAAUTO/MAN auto manual out put option
WESTAAUTO/MAN auto/manual selector switch $ -
STWESTAF/V1 freq to voltage option
WEEZAFV1 f/v-1 frequency to voltage oe Y $ -
STWESTAGUIDE001 sensor guide adjust able width call
WESTASTANDWH1 stand-wh sensor stand w/wheels N3000
STWESTAMTRSEL dc motor sel a/b contactor
WESTAMTRSEL dc motor sel a/b contactor 5000
STWESTAUTF1 upper time filter option
WESTAUTF1 utf-1 upper time filter option $ -
STWEST/F1 voltage to frequecny option
PSMDL04 v/f-1 voltage to frequency $ -
WESTAQCON Sensor Head quick connector $ -
STWESTAMUX2 option analog multiplier
WESTAMUX2 mux-2 analog multiplier option 8900
STWESTAHVAO1 option 0-90v dc output
WESTAHVAO1 hvao-1 0-90vdc output option 2500
STWESTAJOG option jog option
WESTAJOG jog pushbutton option $ -
STWESTALFO1 option ac line filter
WESTALFO1 lfo-1 ac line filter option 500
STWESTATAP1 option percent taper option
WESTATAP1 tap-1 percent taper option 1800
STWESTATW1 option limit thumbwheel setpoi
WESTATW1 thumbwheel set point pot 5000
STWESTARP1 option remote distance pot
WESTARP1 rp-1 10 turn remote distance 000
STWESTARP2 option remote gain pot
WESTARP2 rp-2 ten turn remote gain 000
STWESTARP3 option remote speed40℃ 25/100/21
倉庫型號 E006A0X5OM1
倉庫型號 GW10A6
倉庫型號 E013A0X5OM1
倉庫型號 GW150A6
倉庫型號 GW3A6
倉庫型號 GW50A6
倉庫型號 EH80P1024Z5L15X3PR2