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恒旺廠家直銷HZYX-800L可旋轉光伏打樁機液壓螺旋打樁機 產(chǎn)品信息Product information: 這是一款打樁機,能自身發(fā)電和外接電源兩用,適用于房屋地基建筑、高速路地基加固、高速鐵路電力設施,風力發(fā)電廠,太陽能光伏發(fā)電廠,軟基土處理加固等打樁工程。 This is a driver, to their own power.external power supply dual-use, suitable for building foundation construction, highway foundation reinforcement, high speed railway electric power facilities, wind farms, solar photovoltaic power plant, processing soft foundation soil reinforcement, piling works. HZYX-800L型機電兩用履帶打樁機特點:設計合理,外形美觀,操作簡單,能前后移動、左右旋轉270度,360度兩種產(chǎn)品選擇.具有定位快、打樁快,拔樁快、效率高等特點,也可以根據(jù)客戶要求定制。 HZYX - 800 l electromechanical amphibious crawler pile driver features: reasonable design, beautiful appearance, simple operation, can move, rotate around 270 degrees, 360 degrees of two products to choose from. Has quick positioning, piling, pile drawing quickly, high efficiency, etc, can also be customized according to customer requirements. 產(chǎn)品參數(shù)Product parameters: 發(fā)動機型 號 額定功率KW55 額定轉速r/min2400 啟動電壓V24 外形參數(shù)外形尺寸(長×寬×高)mm4370×2010×4290 最小離地間隙mm380 履帶板寬度mm260 立桿最高立桿最高4370 作業(yè)范圍參數(shù)鉆孔直徑mm130.800 最da鉆孔深度mm8000 鉆桿轉速r/min71 液壓系統(tǒng)主泵型號CBG1—F032/032 主泵轉速L/min2000-2400 主泵壓力Mpa20 主閥流量L/min100 液壓油箱容積L200 性能參數(shù)爬坡度度35 最da行駛速度KM/h5 是否提供加工定做:是 A model number Rated power KW55 Rated speed r/min2400 Starting voltage V24 Shape parameters of the overall dimensions (length x width x height) mm4370 x 2010 x 4290 The minimum ground clearance mm380 Mm260 crawler plate width Stud the highest post 4370 Scope of operation parameters of borehole diameter mm130-800 Mm8000 maximum drilling depth DPR r/min71 Hydraulic system of main pump model CBG1 - F032/032 The main pump speed L/min2000-2400 Main pump pressure Mpa20 The main valve flow L/min100 L200 hydraulic tank volume The performance parameters of gradability degrees 35 The maximum speed of KM/h5 Whether to provide processing customized: it is 聯(lián)系人:齊雪晴 電話:0537-2881238 手機:①⑤⑨⑥③⑦⑦⑥⑦⑦② 傳真:0537-2583028 QQ: 2853024731 郵箱:2853024731@qq.com 網(wǎng)上售價均不準確,詳情請隨時咨詢,24小時熱線服務:①⑤⑨⑥③⑦⑦⑥⑦⑦② 歡迎光臨店鋪或實地廠家https://shop128345560.taobao.com/


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